As the first Turkish contractor company since 2000, we are delighted to celebrate our 20th Anniversary in Qatar and excited to achieve future projects.

As the first Turkish contractor company since 2000, we are delighted to celebrate our 20th Anniversary in Qatar and excited to achieve future projects.
STFA, Within a Consortium of Five, Competed Against World’s Biggest Companies and Won Qatar Doha Metro “Gold Line” Tender for $4.4 billion
STFA, Turkey’s leading construction company with important and prestigious construction projects domestically and abroad, have won the “Gold Line” tender, the largest line within the Qatar Doha Metro, as part of a consortium of five, named ALYSJ.
The Gold Line tender, one of the investments being made in preparation for 2022 World Cup, is the biggest project in Qatar for this purpose with a cost of $4.4 billion.
With the signing ceremony held on April 23, 2014, STFA with its partners achieved the biggest tender ever won by Turkish contractors abroad.
Construction projects proceed without slowing down in the Gulf country Qatar, which will host the 2022 World Cup. Many companies from Turkey and around the world have put in for the projects in Qatar, which include Metros, underground stations, railroads, stadiums, shopping malls, hotels, highways, bridges, immersed tunnels and reservoirs. About 700 companies showed interest in one of the most important of these projects, the Doha Metro tender, and 70 joint ventures made up of 290 of these companies submitted competency files. The employer lowered the number of joint ventures first to 32, then to 18 and invited these joint ventures for the tenders. The $4.4 billion-worth Gold Line packet of the Doha Metro, made up of four main lines, was signed by STFA and its partners.
This project reinforces STFA’s presence in Qatar and the Middle East as well as the strategic positioning as the leading international constructor.
STFA & JDN Consortium has received the Letter Of Award for the Gabbro Berth Expansion (Package 1) in Qatar
STFA Deniz İnşaatı İnşaat San ve Tic. A.Ş (STFA Marine Construction Co.) and Jan De Nul Consortium has received a letter of award on the 22 April 2008 for the “Engineering, Procurement, Installation and Commissioning for Gabbro Berth Expansion (Package1) at Mesaieed Port”.
STFA is the leader of the consortium and the Client is Qatar Petroleum Company.
The total value of the project is QR 1.883.003.415 (518.733.723 USD) and STFA’s part shall be QR 942.665.092 (259.687.353 USD).
The effective date of the project is 01 May 2008, and the period for completion the works shall be 24 months.
The scope of the project shall consist of, widening of existing channel to Gabbro Berths, deepening of existing basin at Gabbro Berths 1 and 2, dredging of new basin for new Gabbro Berth 3, construction of the 400 m long new quay wall for Gabbro Berth 3, filling and reclamation behind the quay wall, storm drainage, paving of the berth area, piling under crane rail beams, procurement, design and manufacture of Ship to Shore Cranes, construction of substation and carrying out related electrical works.
EPIC for Container Terminal Berth 7 in Qatar; STFA is awarded its largest EPIC Contract.
STFA Deniz İnşaat Continues its Projects in Qatar with Berth 6
STFA Deniz İnşaatı İnşaat San ve Tic. A.Ş has signed a contract with Fluor Mideast Limited for Common Lean LNG Loading Facilities Berth No: 6 in Ras Laffan, Qatar on 02 November 2007
Qatargas Operating Company Limited is developing an integrated lean LNG storage and loading facility at Ras Laffan Industrial City located on the northeast coast of Qatar.
Phase 6 of this project consists of adding a new dock facility for loading lean LNG from LNG tanks. Phase 6 specifically includes:
A 580 m long LNG Berth 6 Abutment and Tie-in to New Main Breakwater
LNG Loading Platform Block Foundation, with Cast Reinforced Concrete (CRC) cap.
Four (4) Breasting Dolphins on Block Foundations with CRC caps equipped with fenders and quick release hooks (double) with capstan.
Eight (8) Mooring Dolphins on Block Foundations with CRC caps equipped with quick release hooks (quadruple) with capstan.
Catwalks, platforms and ladders
Berth 6 Marine Flare Piled Support Platform Structure.
Installation of Loading Platform and Breasting Dolphin fenders
Installation of Quick Release Hooks
The value of the project is 144,870,831 USD and the period for completion of the Works will be 16 months.