STFA’s Innovation Vision is to feel the changes, opportunities, trends, expectations and needs and to develop unique solutions for stakeholders, by focusing not only on the present but also the future. We continue to work towards sustainable development with the goal of transforming all our operations into societal benefit with our innovative outlook and ability to correctly manage change.
Behind STFA’s sustainable achievement is Innovation management, which has been an important part of the institutional culture since its founding. The innovation culture that exists in the deep-rooted history and genes of the company continues to preserve its importance based on changing global needs and developing technology. The concepts of “engineering”, “design”, and “creativity” constitute the DNA of the company and play a key role in transferring 80 years of experience into the future.
Innovation at STFA aims to create an added value that will improve the world with novel ideas, the right strategy and sustainable practices. Our philosophy of innovation was for this reason founded on understanding our current and potential customers’ needs and problems that await solutions.
See the problem,
Solve what you see,
Develop what you solve,
Ensure benefit from what you develop.
At STFA, The exact equivalent of the word innovation is defined as “novelty that creates value”. Developments and simplifications aimed at increasing efficiency in the STFA business processes, projects that increase quality and the implementation of new solutions are important parts of the innovation approach.
Innovation at STFA
– Product/Service Innovation
– Business Model Innovation
– Process Innovation
– Marketing Innovation
– Organizational Innovation
Innovation at our company is defined not as the responsibility of a certain department but as a “way to approach work” that the entire company has adopted. In this context, we are carrying to the future our culture, which ensures that our employees are always creative and solution-focused by increasing their awareness in this field through the Corporate Innovation Management System.
All employees at STFA participate systematically in our Corporate Innovation System to find innovative methods that will provide us with competitive superiority in the areas in which we operate and to transform innovative ideas into solutions that create value.