Groundbreaking Ceremony Held At Erbil, Iraq

Groundbreaking Ceremony Held At Erbil, Iraq

Groundbreaking Ceremony Held for “Erbil Drinking Water Improvement and Erbil & Duhok Network” Project in Iraq

The groundbreaking ceremony for the “Erbil Drinking Water Improvement and Erbil & Duhok Network” project, undertaken as an STFA-FERNAS-KALYON Joint Venture in Iraq, was held. The ceremony took place at the 50,000 m3 capacity water reservoir being built by the joint venture in Erbil, on September 19, 2013 and was attended by the Prime Minister of Kurdistan Regional Government Nechervan Barzani, the Turkish Consul General in Erbil Mehmet Akif İnam, Commercial Attaché Sayer Erbil, Senior Management from STFA, Fernas and Kalyon.

We Signed two Agreements with Pakistan

We Signed two Agreements with Pakistan as Part of Energy Investments in the Country

As a step towards realizing the energy and infrastructure investments which are a part of the new cooperation strategies between Turkey and Pakistan, two agreements were signed in a ceremony held on September 18, 2013, attended by the Prime Minister of Pakistan Nawaz Sharif, the Minister of Economy Zafer Çağlayan, the Governor of Istanbul Hüseyin Avni Mutlu as well as Top Management of STFA.

In the bilateral discussions held during Prime Minister of Pakistan Nawaz Sharif’s visit to Turkey, STFA’s energy and infrastructure investment projects were evaluated. Bilateral meetings were held with the Pakistan Government.

New reciprocal investments in energy and infrastructure between Turkey and Pakistan are intended. Cooperations between the two countries were considered at the meetings held during Prime Minister of Pakistan Nawaz Sharif’s visit to Turkey.

One of the first results of these recently established collaborative relations between Turkey and Pakistan is the deals signed between STFA and Pakistani Government for the construction of a wind farm and power transmission lines. According to the deal signed for the wind farm, STFA will build a 50 MW wind plant in Pakistan. STFA will also undertake the construction of a power transmission line. After serving for 20 years as a contractor in Pakistan, these two deals will bring STFA back to the country, this time as an investor.

We Sponsored 2nd Black Sea Ports And Shipping 2013

We Sponsored the Event “2 nd Black Sea Ports and Shipping 2013”

STFA Construction Group has become a sponsor for the “Black Sea Ports and Shipping 2013” seminar, held at Istanbul The Marmara Taksim Hotel on September 10-12, 2013, and attended by renowned companies of the shipping sector.

Various presentations and panels have been organized throughout the event, our STFA Construction Group booth attracted a lot of attention, attendees received information about STFA Group and were told about our fields of activity and projects.

We Sponsored Oman Transport Infrastructure Summit 2013

We Sponsored the Event “Oman Transport Infrastructure Summit 2013”.

STFA Construction Group has become a sponsor for the “Oman Transport Infrastructure 2013,” that took place in Oman Muscat Grand Hyatt Hotel between September 8-10, 2013, discussing infrastructure projects in Oman.

Mandated by Omani Ministry of Transportation, the event was attended by senior officers from a number of ministries and municipalities, as well as by many international construction companies.

Mr. Mısırlıoğlu (Vice President of STFA) gave a presentation titled “Challenged in Transportation Projects – A Contractor’s Perspective.”

New Project In Oman

We received an invitation for the Musannah Fishing Port Project in Oman

We’ve received an invitation from the Sultanate of Oman Ministry of Agriculture & Fisheries Wealth for the“Musannah Fishing Port Project”.

We’ve been informed by the employer with a letter on June 24, 2013 that we’d placed the most suitable bid and that we were invited to sign the contract.

The project is to take place in the city of Musannah, 160 kilometres from Muscat. It will include the building of a 150 metre-long dock and a 1627 metre-long breakwater, as well as sweeping works as low as 5 metres below the water surface.

New Contract in Turkey

We signed a Contract for the İzmit Refinery B Zone Jetty and Quay Construction in Turkey

A contract has been signed on June 20, 2013 at Tüpraş Izmit Refinery Administration for the “İzmit Refinery B Zone Jetty and Quay Construction” project on which we as STFA Construction had placed a bid. The signing ceremony was attended by the TÜPRAŞ and STFA senior managements.

Seniority Award Ceremony

STFA Recognizes Years of Service to the Company

Following a tradition started in 1989, STFA recently honoured 137 employees of the STFA Construction Group at a seniority awards ceremony held at STFA headquarters.  At the ceremony, plaques were awarded to the honourees in recognition of 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 and 40 years of service. The awards were given by STFA Investment Holding Honorary President Tomris Taskent, Board Members Sezai Taskent, Alp Taskent, Nur Taskent and STFA Construction Group President Mustafa Karakus.

STFA Investment Holding Chairman Ilker Keremoglu, CEO Mehmet Ali Neyzi, Construction Group President Mustafa Karakus and Human Resources Vice President Ozer Erman gave speeches on the occasion.  STFA Investment Holding Honorary President Tomris Taskent was also recognized for her service to the company with a special plaque.

After the ceremony, everyone was invited to a cocktail party held to welcome the new year.

Established by Sezai Turkes and Feyzi Akkaya, legendary names in the construction industry in Turkey, STFA continues to be a leader in that sector.  Under its new management, STFA has undertaken significant construction projects in Turkey and the Middle East.  It has maintained its dominance and expertise in sea constructions such as ports, piers, docks and infrastructure works such as roads, bridges and tunnels.  Together with Energaz Company, it is the second biggest private company engaged in natural gas distribution in the country.  The seniority awards ceremony recognizes the men and women who have helped make STFA the  “Company of Innovations” that it is today.

STFA is in the First 100

STFA is in the First 100 of “ENR 2010” List

STFA finds a place in ENR, which is published in States, journal’s top 225 international contractors list over the last 20 years. Rising its place 18 steps this year STFA is 96. in the first 100.

Previous year STFA also rised its place 35 steps and as it is seen that either increasing the international turnover or rising the place at the lists, STFA is one of the pioneer companies. Additionally, this year it is seen also that, STFA is one of the two top Turkish Contractor companies at both total and international turnover growth.

Provisional Acceptance Letter For Lakhdaria-Bouria Motorway Tunnel

Provisional Acceptance Letter For Lakhdaria-Bouria Motorway Tunnel Project has received

Provisional acceptance letter was taken on 24.08.2010 for Lakhdaria-Bouria Motorway Tunnel Project which was undertaken as STFA-COSIDER joint venture by the contract signed on 09.08.2000.

In the scope of project, construction of twin motorway tunnel with a length of 2400 m and its electro-mechanic works included. Total contract amount of the project is US$ 95.5 million and STFA share is US$ 42 million.

Provisional Acceptance Letter has received for EPIC for Gabbro Berth Expansion (Package 1)

Provisional Acceptance Letter has received for EPIC for Gabbro Berth Expansion (Package 1) at Mesaieed Port Project

Provisional acceptance letter has received on 23.05.2010, which was validated from 30.04.2010, forEngineering, Procurement, Installation and Commissioning for Gabbro Berth Expansion (Package1) at Mesaieed Port Project, which was undertaken as STFA-JDN Consortium by the contract signed on 01.05.2008 with Qatar Petroleum.

Total contract amount is US$ 531 million and STFA share is US$ 268 million. The project was completed one month earlier than planned duration.

The project consists of Construction of breakwaters to create the New Port and Drydock Complex The scope of the project shall consist of, widening of existing channel to Gabbro Berths, deepening of existing basin at Gabbro Berths 1 and 2, dredging of new basin for new Gabbro Berth 3, construction of the 400 m long new quay wall for Gabbro Berth 3, filling and reclamation behind the quay wall, procurement, design and manufacture of Ship to Shore Cranes, construction of substation and carrying out related electrical works.