Final Acceptance Letter Has Been Received For Khasab-Tibat Road Project

Final acceptance letter has been received on 07.06.2021 for the “Improvement of Existing Khasab to Tibat Coastal Road” Project, which was undertaken as STFA İnşaat by the contract signed on 17.06.2014 with the Ministry of Transport and Communications.

The project consists of the construction of a single carriageway road, slope stabilization, rock fill, and shore protection works.

Turkey Wealth Fund Refinery And Petrochemical Plant Geotechnical Investigations

STFA Temel Araştırma ve Sondaj A.Ş.  has signed a contract with  TVF Rafineri ve Petrokimya San. ve Tic. A.Ş on 10.02.2021 to carry out the geotechnical investigations of the Refinery and Petrochemical facility of TVF in Hatay, Dörtyol area.

Within the scope of the project, On land; a total of 2250 m drilling, 50 nos CPTu test, various in situ tests, Geophysical Measurements, Seismic Assessment, Geological mapping, geotechnical reporting and at nearshore, a total of 800 m drilling, 10 nos Sea Bed CPT u, various in situ tests, bathymetric, side-scan sonar, magnetometer and sub-bottom profiling will be measured and SHOD approvals will be obtained for bathymetric studies. The project has started preparations for mobilization and the delivery time is 90 days, excluding relevant technical report approvals from ministries. For field works on land, a total of 4 nos drilling rigs, Land CPT,  various geophysical, in situ test equipment’s and for nearshore Works Ergun Hoca, Jack Up, Taner Mut Barge, Sea Bed CPT, tugboat will be utilized.

Akkuyu Nuclear Power Plant 10uqa Main Pump Station And Turkmenistan Garabogaz Fertilizer Factory Swio Area Floor Improvement Has Successfully Completed Its Works

STFA Temel Araştırma ve Sondaj A.Ş. has signed a soil improvement contract with Kasktaş Kayar Kalıp Altyapı Sondaj Kazık ve Tecrit A.Ş on 25.07.2020 for  Akkuyu Nükler Power Plant 10UQA Main Pump Station soil improvement works and started the constructions on 18.08.2020 and successfully 23.12.2020 by producing of a total of 76.330 m Jet Grout columns.

In addition, STFA Temel Araştırma ve Sondaj A.Ş. has signed another contract with GAP İnşaat Yatırım ve Dış Ticaret A.Ş. Turkmenistan branch for the soil improvement works of Garabogaz Fertilizer Factory SWIO area. Between the dates of 8.09.2020 and 30.11.2020, soil improvement work at Garaboğaz Soil Fertilizer Factory was successfully completed. By employing suitable equipment, 159 injection holes were drilled below the foundations and 262.267 liters of grout injection were made. The probable settlements of the foundations are completely controlled.

Final Acceptance Letter Has Been Received For Safi Port Project

Final acceptance letter has been received on 20.11.2020 for “Safi Port” Project, which was undertaken as STFA Deniz İnşaat A.Ş. by the contract signed on 07.03.2013 with the Ministry of Equipment and Transport.

The project consists of construction work for the New Port of Safi: Protection Structures, Coal Dock, Service Dock, Dredging and General Backfills; Main Breakwater and Lee Breakwater (approx. 3000 m), Coal Berth Quay Wall, Service Quay Wall.

Khan Academy TR delivers 500,000 lessons per day!

Founded by STFA as the first international initiative of Khan Academy, the world’s leading online learning platform, Khan Academy TR has delivered 50 million lessons last semester after the Ministry of National Education transitioned to Distance Learning. Offering educational resources in 45 languages and 190 countries today, Khan Academy has been the praised by students, teachers and parents all around the globe in the pandemic, and  it has also been the top choice for Turkish learners.

1.6 billion learners corresponding to 90% of the student population in the world were unable to attend school in person due to the pandemic. In Turkey, 16 million K12 students, over 4 million university students and around 1.5 million teachers, academics and educators were engaged in distance learning for 3 months starting from March. During this process, demand for Khan Academy Türkçe’s website increased by a factor of four per peak period, and by a factor of two-and-a-half on average. As a result of the collaboration agreement signed with the Ministry of National Education, the number of lessons delivered by Khan Academy TR per day reached 500,000 including the lessons delivered on EBA, which stands for Education and Informatics Network.

Operating under the STFA Foundation for Translation of Scientific and Technical Publications with an aim to provide equal opportunities for all in education, Khan Academy TR has become a prominent digital content provider with its library reaching up to 9,000 online video lessons. Not only during today’s extraordinary conditions, Khan Academy’s educational resources are free, for everyone, forever; thanks to STFA Group’s corporate social responsibility. Having touched the lives of 15 million learners in Turkey through its website, Khan Academy also reaches out to all schools, students, and teachers across Turkey via the Ministry’s EBA platform to support formal education. Helping to change education for the better, this pride belongs to the whole STFA Group. We believe that in order to build the future, we need to invest in our youth and we continue to work to the best of our abilities in the field of education, among others to carry our country forward.

As the 2020-2021 school year begins today with distance learning, we wish a healthy and successful academic year to all students, teachers, and parents; particularly those in the STFA Family. We commemorate with great respect the late Mr. Sezai TÜRKEŞ, a leader with great insight both in business life and social responsibility and the founder of our Foundation on the 22nd anniversary of his decease.  We dedicate the success of Khan Academy TR to STFA’s beloved “AĞABEY” whose vision will always guide us.

A free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere!

20th Anniversary in Oman

As the first Turkish contractor company since 2000, we are delighted to celebrate our 20th Anniversary in Oman and excited to achieve future projects.

20th Anniversary in Qatar

As the first Turkish contractor company since 2000, we are delighted to celebrate our 20th Anniversary in Qatar and excited to achieve future projects.

STFA yöneticileri Milli Eğitim Bakanı’nı ziyaret etti

STFA executives met with the Minister of Education

A group of STFA executives paid a visit to Prof. Ziya Selçuk, the Minister of National Education for a meeting in his office, in which the STFA Group’s support to education in Turkish for the past 40 years with its foundations and schools were highlighted. The STFA representatives have also informed the Minister about some new features of Khan Academy, the free online learning platform localized into Turkish by the STFA Foundation for Translation of Scientific and Technical Publications. The agenda of the meeting, which took place in Ankara, included strengthening the collaboration between Khan Academy Türkçe and the Ministry of National Education towards such areas as personalized education and academic support by digital resources in line with the 2023 Education Vision put forward by the Ministry of National Education, as well as engaging more students, teachers and schools into this non-profit education platform.  Launched in 2012 with the initiative of the STFA Group and being the first international partner of Khan Academy, which offers educational content in 41 languages today, Khan Academy Türkçe has so far given 120 million lessons and touched the lives of some 15 million people.

First Ship Is Docked At Coal Dock – Safi Port Project

The first ship has been docked at Coal Dock on the 22nd of February after receiving the substational completion certificate of New Safi Port Project (MASPP) at 23 February 2019.

It is learned that the ship carrying  49.000 tons of coal with 1600 tons/hour unloading capacity and material to the thermal power plant, will be used for testing the conveyor system of which the whole system will start to work as of April 2020 and coal will be brought by 80.000 capacity vessels.