STFA collected its 75 years in the book named “İLK” (FIRST) STFA – From Past To Future
STFA, one of the leading companies of the Turkish Republic, the first Turkish company having conveyed abroad the knowledge and skills of the Turkish engineer, collected its 75 years in the book named “İLK”(FIRST) STFA -From Past To Future- and shares it with the public.

Both the unique techniques, methods and tools used by Sezai Türkeş and Feyzi Akkaya in the field of construction and their implementations based on their modern administrative mentality -which even today could be regarded as part of the future- as well as the 75 year old archives of the corporation were combined in the book “İLK” following meticulous effort.
While the “İLK” book of STFA takes its reader to a cheerful journey in the 75 year history of STFA, it also gives examples about how the visions of two friends, two certified engineers, conduced towards the modern change of a nation in the field of public works.
“İLK”, STFA -From Past To Future- is not just a documentary about the 75 year history of a corporation but a book in which two exceptional friends and business partners share their lives and work experiences in a sincere manner. You can find the “İLK” book of STFA in reputable bookstores. All income to be generated from the book will be transferred to the İnanç Foundation and the Feyzi Akkaya Basic Education Foundation.